Shuichiro Ueda
After the Great Hanshin earthquake that struck his hometown of Kobe in 1995, Shuichiro sensed the immense power of taiko when performing at the evacuation shelters, leaving a deep impression on him. He then became one of the founding members of Wadaiko Matsumura Gumi where he was an active core member for 8 years.
He had also begun studying under the legendary taiko soloist Eitetsu Hayashi and became a member of Eitetsu Fu-un no Kai, performing in concerts held throughout Japan and all over the world.
In 2004, Shuichiro began his solo activities in earnest. He was the first taiko player to appear in one of Heisei Nakamura-za kabuki troupe’s productions, “Natsumatsuri naniwa kagami” and co-starred with Nakamura Kanzaburo XVIII.
Making an appearance in the “NEW YEARS WORLD ROCK FESTIVAL” produced by Yuya Uchida and in the musical “Kiyomori no Yume” directed by Tamae Sha, Shuichiro has performed with artists from various genres, continuing to express his own unique world of music.
In the 2020 NHK’s taiga drama series "Kirin ga Kuru," he played the role of a military taiko drummer as well as composed music used during the scenes.
Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, he launched a restoration support project titled “Hikari tomoseshi kibo to inori no taiko” ("glimmer of hope and support" taiko project) in hope to encourage the people in the devastated areas. He currently continues to perform and hold charity concerts as well as create and provide taiko, bachi (drumsticks), Shishigashira (Japanese lion mask) and costumes that are indispensable to the reconstruction of Japanese culture and festivals.